The first thing we need to do
is to create an Azure Storage account in the Azure Portal. Once logged into the Portal,
you’ll want to click on the big green plus sign for New in the top left.
Next, you’ll want to select Data + Storage and then Storage to get to the configuration blade for your new storage account.
Here, you’ll want to enter a unique name for your Azure Storage account. Note that this name must be globally unique and must be a valid URL. You’ll also want to make sure that the physical location you select is closest to the consumers of your data as costs can increase based on the proximity of the consumer to the storage region. You can leave the rest of the information with the defaults and then click the Create button. Azure will grind away for a bit to create your storage account as you watch an animation on your home screen. There’s a much more in-depth article specifically on Azure Storage Accounts at the Azure site that you may find interesting, though don’t be alarmed that the screenshots there differ from what I have here or what you might actually encounter on the Azure Portal itself. The Azure folks have been tweaking the look of the Azure Preview Portal pretty regularly.
Eventually, the Azure Storage
account will be created and you will be presented with the dashboard page for
your new storage account.
the Container
In Azure Blob Storage, each
blob must live inside a Container. A Container is just a way
to group blobs and is used as part of the URL that is created for each
blob. An Azure Storage account can contain unlimited Containers and
each Container can contain unlimited blobs.
So, let’s add a Container so
we’ll have somewhere to store our images. In the Summary area,
you want to now click on the Containers link to show your
containers for this storage account and then click the white plus icon just
below the Containers header.
In the Add a Container blade, enter a name for your container and select Blob and click OK.
Once your container is created, it will be displayed in the list of containers. Copy the URL that is created for your container from the URL column. Let’s go ahead and copy that into our web.config file as we’ll soon need it.
Open the Visual Studio
solution we created in the last Azure Bit so we can wire up saving of
our UploadedImageinto our newly created Azure Storage account.
While you’ve still got that
URL in your clipboard, let’s paste that into the appSettings of
our web.config file as ImageRootPath. Also,
go ahead and add an appSetting for your Container name as we
will need that as well.
<add key=“ImageRootPath“ value=““ />
<add key=“ImagesContainer“ value=“images“ />
Since we already have web.config open,
let’s go ahead and grab the connection string for our storage account and add
that to our connectionStrings in web.config.
In the main dashboard for your storage account, you’ll want to click the All
Settings link and then select Keys so that you can
see the various key settings for your storage account including the connection
strings. You should be seeing something that looks roughly like the
below. Note that I’ve masked some of my super secret keys in this
screenshot. It’s very important that you guard your keys as they can be
used to gain unfettered access to your storage accounts if they are
compromised. You can always regenerate new keys by using the buttons just
under the Manage keys header in the Azure Portal if you find
that your keys have been compromised. Also, there are various rotation strategies you can employ to automate the exchanging
of primary and secondary keys, but that is beyond the scope of this series.
Now copy the value given
for Primary Connection String and add this to the connectionStrings section
of web.config:
<add name=“BlobStorageConnectionString“
Next, we’ll update ImageService to
grab the values we just placed in web.config and assign these
to private fields in ImageService. In addition, now that
we have these values, we can construct and assign the URL for our UploadedImage in
the CreateUploadedImage method.
public class ImageService : IImageService
private readonly string _imageRootPath;
private readonly string _containerName;
private readonly string _blobStorageConnectionString;
public ImageService()
= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“ImageRootPath”];
_containerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“ImagesContainer”];
10. _blobStorageConnectionString
11. }
12. public async Task<UploadedImage> CreateUploadedImage(HttpPostedFileBase file)
13. {
14. if ((file != null)
&& (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName))
15. {
16. byte[] fileBytes = new byte[file.ContentLength];
17. await file.InputStream.ReadAsync(fileBytes, 0,Convert.ToInt32(file.ContentLength));
18. return new UploadedImage
19. {
20. ContentType
= file.ContentType,
21. Data = fileBytes,
22. Name
= file.FileName,
23. Url = string.Format(“{0}/{1}“,
_imageRootPath, file.FileName)
24. };
25. }
26. return null;
27. }
the Image Service to Upload
For this next section, we
will need to bring in some additional packages via Nuget. To
do this, right-click on the web project and select Manage NuGet
Packages and then search for WindowsAzure.Storage and
click Install. This will bring in all of the required Nuget packages
needed for interaction with Azure Storage, so be sure to click “I Accept”
when prompted.
The flow for saving our image
to Azure Blob Storage is that we first need to get a reference
to our Storage Accountand use that to create a reference to
our Container. Once we have our Container, we
configure it to allow public access and we use it to get a reference to a block
of memory for our blob. Lastly, we tell the block that we are about to
insert an image and finally we kick off the upload of the image to our Container using
the name we generated earlier. Let’s now see what that looks like in some
(heavily-commented) code.
First, add the new method to
the IImageService interface:
public interface IImageService
Task<UploadedImage> CreateUploadedImage(HttpPostedFileBase file);
Task AddImageToBlobStorageAsync(UploadedImage image);
And now, implement the new
method in ImageService:
public async Task AddImageToBlobStorageAsync(UploadedImage image)
// get the container reference
var container = GetImagesBlobContainer();
// using the container reference, get a block
blob reference and set its type
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob =
blockBlob.Properties.ContentType =
// finally, upload the image into blob storage
using the block blob reference
var fileBytes = image.Data;
10. await blockBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(fileBytes, 0,
12.private CloudBlobContainer GetImagesBlobContainer()
14. // use the connection string to get the storage
15. var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_blobStorageConnectionString);
16. // using the storage account, create the blob
17. var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
18. // finally, using the blob client, get a
reference to our container
19. var container =
20. // if we had not created the container in the
portal, this would automatically create it for us at run time
21. container.CreateIfNotExists();
22. // by default, blobs are private and would
require your access key to download.
23. // You can allow public access
to the blobs by making the container public.
24. container.SetPermissions(
25. new BlobContainerPermissions
26. {
27. PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
28. });
29. return container;
One thing to note about the
public access we set on our Container (since I know that
the PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob might make
some folks nervous). Containers are created by default
with private access. We are updating our Container to
public to allow read-only anonymous access of our images. We will still
need our private access keys in order to delete or edit images in the Container.
The last step for the upload
process is to actually call the AddImageToBlobStorageAsync method
from our HomeController’s Upload action method.
public async Task<ActionResult> Upload(FormCollection formCollection)
if(Request != null)
HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[“uploadedFile”];
var uploadedImage = await _imageService.CreateUploadedImage(file);
await _imageService.AddImageToBlobStorageAsync(uploadedImage);
10. return View(“Index”);
At this point, you should be
able to run the application and upload an image and it should save to Azure
Blob Storage and you should see it appear in your web page. You
can right-click on the image and choose Inspect Element or View
Properties (depending on your browser) to see that the image is
actually being served from your Azure Storage account.
with Azure Storage Explorer
Now that you have the site
working and saving to Azure Blob Storage, I’ll point you to one of
my favorite debugging tools that I use when I am working with Azure
Storage. There are several tools that exist for viewing and manipulating
the contents of Azure Storage accounts, but my favorite is Azure Storage Explorer. Once you install Azure Storage Explorer, you’ll want to click on the Add Account button
in the top menu. To get the values needed for the Add Storage
Account dialog, you’ll want to return to the All Settings blade
for your storage account in the Azure Portal. The first two
settings are the ones you want for creating a new account in Azure Storage Explorer. Here’s the mapping:
Once you have the storage
account configured in Azure Storage Explorer, you can view the contents of your
container(s), like this:
You can double-click on any
of the items and the View Blob dialog will open showing you
the Properties Tab with everything you could possibly want to
know about your blob item and even allows you to change most of the properties
directly from the interface. If you then click the Content Tab,
select Image, and then click the Viewbutton you can see
your image:
Get it to the Cloud
As a final step, we want to
publish all of this new Azure Image Manipulator goodness that
we’ve created in these first two Azure Bits back out to our Azure
website. You do this by right-clicking on the web project in Solution
Explorer and choosing “Publish..”. Once Visual Studio completes
the publishing process, you should be able to run your Azure website and upload
an image to Azure Blob Storage just the same as when you were running against
localhost earlier.
Now that we have our original
image safely stored away in Azure Blob Storage, we need to give
notice that our image is ready for processing. We’ll do this by placing a
message in an Azure Queue.