Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Daily Work Routine

  • Start day with the name of Allah
  • Wake early in the morning at 8 o Clock
  • Brush your teeth and take bath
  • Prepare breakfast
  • Leave for office at 9:30 or 10 O clock max
  • Perform breath taking exercise
  • Read mission statements and encourage yourself and believe in Allah
  • Check for emails
  • Analyze and Prioritize tasks
  • Start work on tasks
  • Avoid any stress giving situations and be proactive if any conflict arise
  • Be polite while talking to others
  • Listen to your language and other's language and try to learn from other's experiences
  • Focus on your work and learning 
  • Have Lunch with relaxation
  • Play table tennis
  • Offer prayer and pray to Allah for help and courage.
  • Start Learning new technology for few hour
  • Make sure you learn new technology after 2 month 
  • At evening have a cup of tea with 3 biscuits
  • Email task status
  • Leave office at 7 O clock
  • Prepare for gym
  • Eat any seasonal fruit (banana and apple)
  • Leave for gym at 8 o Clock 
  • Prepare dinner and eat
  • Walk for few minutes and smile whilst walking
  • Drink milk
  • Go to bed at 10 O clock
  • Perform breath taking exercise
  • Read your mission statements
  • Have courage and faith in yourself
  •  Sleep at 11 o Clock
  • Repeat that process again for everyday and never miss two days in a row

1 comment:

  1. you sleep for bloody 9 hours GOOD LORD.


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