Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Stay Motivated and On-Track When You’re Struggling

Maybe you’ve been trying to kick-start your business and it just hasn’t worked yet. Maybe you’ve just started but you’re already frustrated. Or maybe you’ve wanted to hit that next level for years and haven’t been able to get there. Regardless of your situation, getting motivated and on-track isn’t difficult. It’s staying that way that’s the trick. And when you’re struggling to “make it,” sometimes it’s even harder. You find yourself wandering, letting yourself get distracted, and wondering if you’ll ever really make your mark. Want to end the cycle of struggle? Master these tips and you’ll be virtually unstoppable.

First, know that this is a temporary state. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been where you are. All that you need to know is that nothing is permanent. All things change, even if it seems that they don’t. It’s simply a law of nature — nothing stays the same forever. The universe is constantly moving, evolving, and changing, and so are you. So instead of seeing this as a neverending path into darkness, know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and every day, it’s getting closer. And as soon as you get a new client, sell your first product, or hit that next target, everything within you will shift.

Second, remind yourself what you’re fighting for. When you’ve been trying to make something happen for awhile, you can start to lose sight of the end goal. Instead of focusing on the reason you started this journey in the first place, you begin to focus on smaller, more immediate outcomes. For example, if you started your business so you could eventually free up enough time to spend with your family, but you’ve been working for a long time and haven’t seen the results you’d expected or hoped for, your goal may have shifted from “be with my family” to “make my business work.” This has exactly the opposite effect than you originally intended. By shifting your priorities, now you’re probably spending less time with your family.

Sometimes it’s helpful to create tangible reminders of the reason you started down this path. A vision board may be useful, or just a statement, penned boldly and tacked to a bulletin board near your workspace. If you want to remind yourself of a forgotten goal and reintegrate it into your thinking process and mindset, set your alarm a few minutes earlier each morning and spend that time meditating on what you’re working towards. Reaffirm what you’re fighting for and you’ll find the will to fight is restored and renewed once more.

Third, believe in yourself. It can be hard to believe in yourself when you’ve been trying to make something work for a long time. Sometimes you just lose faith in your own ability to make it work or see it through. One of the best ways to stay strong in your belief in yourself is to keep track of your successes, even the small ones. When you’re feeling down on yourself, go back to the list of successes and review them. Remind yourself that you are capable and you can make this work.

Another way to rebuild your confidence involves something social psychologists have known for decades — that our feelings about ourselves are frequently a reflection of how we think others perceive us. So take advantage of that! Read through your client testimonials and e-mails. Ask your clients for periodic evaluations and you’re bound to receive some fantastic feedback (and if there are some negatives, folks, that’s a great learning experience — it tells you exactly what you need to do to improve and make your clients happy). Even if your faith in yourself falters, others still believe in you.

Finally, get help before you’re in crisis. If your business isn’t where you want it to be, if you aren’t making the leaps ahead that you want to be making, there’s obviously something going on. Before things go too far, before you get lost and become totally unmotivated, get help!

The problem may be with your business — it could be a branding issue, a marketing issue, or maybe just you aren’t giving your clients what they want. Hire a consultant who can turn your business inside out finding ways to improve your results. The problem may also lie within — you yourself might benefit from some “fine-tuning.” Hire a coach and work through any roadblocks that may be getting in the way of your success. Hire a mentor and model his/her behavior. Or if you’re struggling with self-discipline and need a budget solution, ask a reliable friend to be your accountability partner so you both can improve.

As you begin to master the ability to keep your motivation high, it will become easier to stay on-track. Moments of frustration will be fewer and farther between and, as you master your mindset, you’ll find that you actually achieve success and reach your targets faster.

Dialogue between a traveler and the Holy Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him)

A traveler once came to the masjid to see the prophet. After greeting the prophet he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from
very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the
dialogue between the traveler and the prophet.

Traveler: I do not want azaab to be written in my account.
Prophet : behave well with your parents

Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
Prophet : fear Allah always.

Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
Prophet : recite quran every morning and evening.

Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened. ( roshan and munawer)
Prophet: never forget death

Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
Prophet: always treat fellow creature well.

Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
Prophet : always have faith in only Allah.

Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet: be careful of your actions.

Traveler: I wish to live long.
Prophet: always do sile rahm. (Goodness towards blood relations)

Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet : always be in wudhoo.

Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave.
Prophet : always wear pure (paak) clothes.

Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.
Prophet : control your eyes and tongue.

Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven.
Prophet: always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.

Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
Prophet : never extend your hands of need at people.

Traveler: I want to always be honored.
Prophet : never humiliate or put down anyone.

Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr.
( squeezing in the grave)
Prophet: recite sura e mulk often.

Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet: recite sura e waqia every night.

Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on day of judgment.
Prophet: do zikr of Allah from dusk to night.

Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during namaaz.
Prophet : always do wudhoo with concentration and attention

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Element of Motivation

Life is tough, that’s a given. When you stand up, you’re gonna be shoved back down. When you’re down, you’re gonna be stepped on. My advice to you doesn’t come with a lot of bells and whistles. It’s no secret: you’ll fall down, you stumble, you get pushed, you land square on your face. And every time that happens, you get back on your feet. You get up just as fast as you can, no matter how many times you need to do it. Remember this: success has been and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down. If experience has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is free and living ain’t easy. Life is hard, real hard, incredibly hard. You fail more often than you win, nobody is handing you anything. It’s up to you to puff up your chest, stretch your neck and overcome all that is difficult – the nasty, the mean, the unfair. If you want more than what you have now, prove it! If you want to beat the very best out there that is, get out there and earn it! Once you decide that, you’ll know where it is you want to be. Then you won’t stop pushing forward until you get there! That’s how winners are made. At the end of the day, success is what we all want. We all want to win, and the race will be won. There is no question about that. So c’mon, get out on top, run faster, dream bigger, live better than you ever have before. This is in you. You can do this. Do it for yourself. Prove it to yourself.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Daily Work Routine

  • Start day with the name of Allah
  • Wake early in the morning at 8 o Clock
  • Brush your teeth and take bath
  • Prepare breakfast
  • Leave for office at 9:30 or 10 O clock max
  • Perform breath taking exercise
  • Read mission statements and encourage yourself and believe in Allah
  • Check for emails
  • Analyze and Prioritize tasks
  • Start work on tasks
  • Avoid any stress giving situations and be proactive if any conflict arise
  • Be polite while talking to others
  • Listen to your language and other's language and try to learn from other's experiences
  • Focus on your work and learning 
  • Have Lunch with relaxation
  • Play table tennis
  • Offer prayer and pray to Allah for help and courage.
  • Start Learning new technology for few hour
  • Make sure you learn new technology after 2 month 
  • At evening have a cup of tea with 3 biscuits
  • Email task status
  • Leave office at 7 O clock
  • Prepare for gym
  • Eat any seasonal fruit (banana and apple)
  • Leave for gym at 8 o Clock 
  • Prepare dinner and eat
  • Walk for few minutes and smile whilst walking
  • Drink milk
  • Go to bed at 10 O clock
  • Perform breath taking exercise
  • Read your mission statements
  • Have courage and faith in yourself
  •  Sleep at 11 o Clock
  • Repeat that process again for everyday and never miss two days in a row

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